Online Courses

The Green Room is now running free online bite-sized courses through our Facebook page:

We will be updating this page and our Facebook page with up-coming times and recordings and what you need to prepare to be able to enjoy these courses. Please keep checking these pages and follow us!

Straw weaving

Watch it again:

What you will need: three paper straws and some wool

Rainbow Doll’s House for the NHS

Watch it again:

Springy bobble-head animals

Watch it again:

What you will need: Coloured paper, googly-eyes (or paper and pen), double-sided sticky tape or PVA glue, card or foam sheet, scissors

Woolly boot monsters

Watch it again:

What you will need: Coloured wool, pipe-cleaners, googly eyes (or paper and pen), scissors

Funky card and foam animals

Watch it again:

What you will need: Cardboard or foam sheeting, googly eyes (or paper and pen), scissors

Cute flowerpot people planter

Watch it again:

What you will need: Two large flowerpots, four small flowerpots (all washed), some garden twine, paints and felt pens

You can download the face templates here:

Elegant animal silhouettes

Watch it again:

What will you need: magazine pages, PVA glue, coloured card, card frames

Tissue paper bowls

Watch it again:

What you will need: tissue paper, dried flowers, PVA glue

Cute paper flowers

Watch it again:

What you will need: tissue paper/kitchen towel, ribbon, colouring pens, a sheet of card (preferably green)

Jam jar tee-lights

Watch it again:

What you will need: Jam jars, crepe paper or tissue paper in different colours, dried pressed flowers, PVA glue, tee-lights

Fun & Useful Organiser

Watch it again:

What you will need: Cardboard from delivery boxes, toilet roll tubes and kitchen towel tubes

Rainbow circle of hope

Watch it again:

What you will need: a piece of card large enough to cut a 30cm diameter circle from, different coloured fabric offcuts

Cushion from an old jumper

Watch it again:

What you will need: an old cushion and an old jumper

Happy / sad cushion

Watch it again:

What you will need: two old t-shirts (one grey, one white), some black felt (or other black fabric) and some white felt (or other white fabric)

Hug in a card

Watch it again:

What you will need:

Some flowers from the garden, card, glue or selotape, a hammer

Book Hedgehog, Rocket and Peppa Pig

Watch it again:

What you will need:

An old paperback book(s), paper, card and PVA glue, the Peppa Pig template here:

Plastic bottle bird feeder

Watch it again:

What you will need:

A coke-style plastic bottle, paints, thread

Fun Easter Decorations

Watch it again:

What you will need:

Paper, sellotape, colouring pens and a needle and thread

Download the bunny & egg template here

Tin-Can Bug House

What will you need:

1 or more tin cans – washed

Some paper – preferably junk mail catalogues

Sticks from the garden

PVA glue

Paints or felt tip pens

Watch it again:

Tee-Shirt Shopping Bag

What will you need:

1 T Shirt
1 Pair of Scissors

For decoration after the class, paints felt pens of your choice

Watch it again: